Meet the Scottsdale Chorus
Take a familiar melody, blend in three parts of close harmony, add innovative choreography and glittering costumes. Multiply by 100+ energetic singers who are passionate about performing four-part harmony, barbershop-style, and what do you get? The incomparable Scottsdale Chorus, six-time Sweet Adelines International Champions!
Although Scottsdale is our chorus home, our members are from all over the state of Arizona and farther. All ages from teens to eighties and a wide variety of backgrounds and lifestyles are represented among our membership. Each of us share a bond through the love of music, performance and competition.
The Scottsdale Chorus seeks to change lives through our musical performances. Our goal is to choose music that will draw others to share our love of harmony and our joy of singing. In our choice of music, we consider the cultural and social context of songs and will not sing songs where the original meaning and intent is inappropriate. Our focus is on bringing a positive and uplifting message to our audiences by the songs we choose to sing.
- Performances throughout the Valley and State
- Regional and International Conventions and Competitions
The Scottsdale Chorus:
- Is a non-profit organization
- Is an official chapter of Sweet Adelines International and Golden West Region 21
- Supports Young Women in Harmony
- Is under the direction of Lori Lyford, Master Director 700